aqui no aqui tem coisa encontram-se
coisas, coisas, coisas...
...desde janeiro de 2003

no shit?!!

A man went to Synagogue one Shabbat and afterwards he stopped to shake the Rabbi’s hand.
He said, “Rabbi, I’ll tell you, that was a G-d damned fine sermon.”
The rabbi said, “Thank you sir, but I’d rather you didn’t use that kind of language in the Lord’s House.”
The man said, “I was so fucking impressed with that sermon I put five thousand dollars in the tzedakah box!”
The Rabbi said, “No Shit?!

é isso, por fernando stickel [ 14:24 ]

1 Comentário


março 30th, 2004 at 18:44

o livro do érico é simplesmente maravilhoso! bjs

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