aqui no aqui tem coisa encontram-se
coisas, coisas, coisas...
...desde janeiro de 2003

isolated cinema

O Göteborg Film Festival na Suécia se inicia no próximo dia 30/1.
Uma das características que me fascinou foi a possibilidade de ser selecionado para ficar uma semana fechado em uma ilha, participando do festival “on line”, com acesso à projeção de todos os filmes!

Enviei minha inscrição por e-mail:

Dear Sirs at the Göteborg Film Festival,

My name is Fernando Stickel, I am Brazilian, 72 years old, three grown up children and four grandchildren. I’m married and live in São Paulo, Brazil, with my wife Sandra and two puppies, Jimmy and Bolt. I’m in good health and I’m a good swimmer.
I graduated as an architect at FAUUSP and got an MBA from FIA-CEATS. I am a visual artist and photographer. For the last 16 years I run a non-profit institution in São Paulo.
The artist’s work is lonely, I know it well and I am used to loneliness, even though it is not currently part of my daily life.
I think a lot about writing a book, or a movie script, I have already written three books, released in 1999, 2006 and 2020.
I maintain a blog called “aqui tem coisa” that will complete 18 years of uninterrupted activity next 31 January. Here:
My wife and I are addicted to movies and series, we even bought a bigger and better TV on the first month of the Covid 19 pandemic, it is a daily and happy habit for us.
I am fascinated by the sea, ships, explorations and lighthouses, I am an occasional sailor and as a teenager I fished a lot with my grandfather Arthur in Guarujá, SP, in particular around Ilha da Moela.
I would be very happy to return to Sweden and spend a week in Pater Noster, in the company of a red lighthouse, the sea, sky, birds, paper, pencils, my camera (if possible), many films and solitude. Ah! I also enjoy cooking.
Finally I was very happy to see that Bacurau will be shown at the festival, it is one of the best films I have ever seen, it makes me very proud to have it at the Festival!


1. Can I take my camera?
2. Will there be a space for exercise and stretching?
3. Will I be required to watch a certain number of films?
4. Will there be the possibility of including alcoholic beverages such as wine in purchases?
5. You will provide an alarm clock, as I will not be able to take my cell phone, which is currently my alarm clock …
6. It would be very helpful to have a Swedish-English dictionary. I am fluent in English and I do quite well in German.

Congratulations on the beautiful idea, thank you for the opportunity!

A pessoa que irá para a ilha foi selecionada (não sou eu…infelizmente…) entre 12.000 aplicantes de 45 países. Trata-se de Lisa Enroth de Skövde, Sweden, enfermeira de emergências e entusiasta de cinema.

Foto: Ola Kjelbye

é isso, por fernando stickel [ 18:49 ]

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