Na exposição de fotos de Vivian Maier no Museu da Imagem e do Som – MIS tem uma brincadeira bem interessante, um Photo Booth onde você faz um selfie com a Vivian.
Em seguida a funcionária do museu te fornece um QR code para acessar a tua foto na internet.
Colhi algumas observações sobre seu trabalho na internet:
Street photography in Vivian Maier & Diane Arbus
Like the difference between going into the woods for collecting mushrooms and a leisurely stroll – in the first case you’ll find mushrooms and in the second, you’ll find anything.
The “mushrooms vs leisurely stroll” is one very point that makes Arbus differ from Maier. Arbus went for the mushrooms whereas Maier apparently went out strolling. There are some early candid (and less-known) images from Arbus which could be compared to Maier’s street portraits. But at one point Arbus opted for a different routine, she gave up doing candid, made appointments, asked the people to pose… It’s a totally different process, and a resulting different artistic statement.
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