Imagine que você queira “cavar” um cobiçadíssimo igresso VIP para a feira Art/Basel. Este é o questionário a que você será submetido:
Dear Madam/Sir,
. . . The Show Management requires detailed information on all those requesting VIP Cards. As such we kindly request more information from you and your collector friend.
Please note that only internationally recognized art collectors, the Directors of renowned museums and their chief curators receive a VIP card from Art Basel’s Show Management. Participating galleries will also invite their VIP clients.
As we have numerous requests for VIP cards, the Show Management kindly requests further information from you.
Please send us the following information:
your complete mailing address and e-mail address
a list of artists strongly represented in your collection
a list of galleries participating to Art Basel from which you regularly purchase
a list of museum boards with which you are affiliated
All information provided will be held in the strictest of confidence and may be verified for accuracy
O que se traduz em: Não pense que uma ou outra compra de artistas “blue-chip” como Warhol ou Basquiat será suficiente para conseguir a sua entrada VIP…
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